Something about Lance Bass

It's offical: Nothing is happening, celebrity-wise, this week. That's why this is the latest cover of People magazine:

Wow. It's great to see that

People is finally putting an end to the endless, rampant speculation surrounding the sexuality of a guy who decorates his home for Christmas like this.

Still, this non-revelation does put a whole new perspective on Lance Bass's ridiculous quest to go into space. I can almost picture him sitting at his vanity, meticulously applying gel to his hair and looking at himself in the mirror, thinking, "I wish I could go someplace where the sexuality of boy band members doesn't matter. Someplace free…" Then he glances through the open window and out at the twinkling stars of the night sky, and it hits him, "Space! That's where I'll go!"

(Coincidentally this is also the climactic scene in Lifetime's forthcoming Earth's Astronaut: The Lance Bass Story, but you read it here first.)

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