Soon you will be able to smell like Lady Gaga

Because no one is truly a 21st-century celebrity unless you’ve slathered the populace in your own personal musk, Lady Gaga has just signed a deal to create and release her own line of fragrances beginning in 2012, when she will still surely be the center of the pop universe. It’s a surprising move for the normally marketing-averse Gaga, whose reluctance to cheapen the integrity of her songwriting with branding ploys and other distracting artifice (“'Cause I don't want my fans or anyone to think that I don't put the music first”) has meant she’s thus far limited herself to endorsing Polaroid, her own line of headphones and sunglasses, and officially sanctioned Halloween costumes. There’s no word yet on what crazy, subversive scents her new line of Lady Gaga perfumes will incorporate, but we bet they will totally blow your conformist mind and upend all of your deeply held assumptions about what smells really mean. That, plus some lavender, probably.

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