Soothe your You’re The Worst grief by bidding on rando show props via this online auction

Soothe your You’re The Worst grief by bidding on rando show props via this online auction
Photo: Byron Cohen

You’re The Worst recently wrapped up its emotionally gripping five seasons with an immensely satisfying, time-jump-explaining finale. While the show’s many fans will certainly miss it, one small, slim upside to a series ending is that some of its stuff may now be available.

And as of today, fans of the FXX sitcom can now “take home keepsakes from Lindsay 2nd wedding to Paul, Faye Cottumaccio’s stylish outfits, Edgar’s funky fedoras” and many more items through an online auction at

Even though Jimmy and Gretchen never took that walk down the aisle, all their wedding stuff is still available, like their vows and to-do lists to aid your own non-nuptials. Fans of the show’s fashion can purchase Jimmy’s Leather Satchel Bag, Gretchen’s Leather Corset Top, or Lindsay’s Vintage Plaid Coat. Maybe best of all are the eye-catching curios from the show’s festive decor, like Vernon’s Lava Lamp, the Tar & Feathers Daily Specials Framed Menu Board, and Gretchen’s “If It Weren’t For Cocktails, I’d Have No Personality At All” Sign.

You’re The Worst may be gone, but artifacts from 62 episodes are forever; check out the merchandise at

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