Sorry, but this SFW trailer for Porno is for a horror movie, not actual porno

Sorry, but this SFW trailer for Porno is for a horror movie, not actual porno

Look, it’s hard to get people’s attention in the age of streaming. Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon are dropping new movies and TV shows every day, and sometimes all that distinguishes one from the other is compelling artwork or a slick trailer. Or, perhaps, a good title. Porno isn’t just a fitting title for Keola Racela’s horror film about a sex demon, but it’s also one that ensures at least a few horny, slack-jawed scrollers will hit play out of pure habit.

Set in a movie theater in 1992—Encino Man and A League Of Their Own sit side-by-side on the marquee, a double feature for the ages—Racela’s film follows some teenage theater employees who unwittingly unleash a thirsty demon when they dust off an old smut reel. It looks like a cheeky blend of Demons and The Ring, which are two very good movies to count as inspirations.

Watch the SFW trailer below.

Fangoria will show you some Porno on April 10.

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