Spartacus will be sweaty, naked history after next season

Although it managed to survived the death of original star Andy Whitfield (if not exactly thrived in his wake), the time has finally come for Spartacus to end, with Starz announcing that the show's next season, titled War of The Damned, will be its last. Even though only three years will have passed by the time the show takes its muscular bow, most likely while dirty and screaming, it's something of an end of an era for Starz, where the 2010 debut of Spartacus: Blood And Sand paved the way for the network's passion for history that might lend itself to stylized violence and plenty of nudity. That phallic torch has now been passed to the likes of Magic City, though a more obvious heir apparent is the Michael Bay-produced pirate drama Black Sails, which will spend the rest of its days living up to Spartacus' legacy of epic drama and even more epic shirtlessness.

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