Spend your Earth Day in Tromaville with El Rey’s Toxic Avenger marathon

Spend your Earth Day in Tromaville with El Rey’s Toxic Avenger marathon

Earth Day has certainly come a long way since its inception in 1970. A key event in the beginning of the modern environmental movement, the holiday—established by Wisconsin U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson—was set on April 22nd in order to bring awareness to air and water pollution. And to celebrate, this year the El Rey Network (the modern equivalent of a late-night UHF station in 1986) will bringing viewers a Toxic Avenger marathon.

The event will kick off on Friday, April 22nd with 1984’s The Toxic Avenger, in which 98 pound weakling Melvin Ferd is transformed into “the first superhero from New Jersey” (although one may nerdsplain that that title actually belongs to Marvel Boy) The Toxic Avenger, or Toxie if you’re into the whole brevity thing. Toxie takes on corrupt government officials and low-rent criminals with his trusty mop, and even falls in love along the way. The series will run all weekend, showcasing The Toxic Avenger Part II, The Toxic Avenger Part III, and Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger IV.

El Rey will also be airing The Toxic Crusaders, a short-lived cartoon series that has the distinction of being the only cartoon aimed at children based on a movie where a dog is violently killed, kids are run over by drunk teenagers for sport, and a character remarks that he “always did want to wanna cornhole a blind bitch.” Crusaders was part of a weird moment where cartoon adaptations and toys based on cult films such as Police Academy and Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes seemed prime to sell to youngsters (rather than these daysm when they’re sold to thirtysomethings). USA Up All Night was always good for running a Toxic Avenger Marathon, but this will mark the first time that The Toxic Crusaders will be included.

The Toxic Avenger Earth Day Marathon begins at 8PM PT on Friday April 22nd and will run through Monday morning at 6 AM.

[Note: El Rey, like The A.V. Club, is owned by Univision Communications.]

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