Split Single’s Jason Narducy has sexy elbows and fun friends, like Sharon Van Etten and Todd Barry

Split Single’s Jason Narducy has sexy elbows and fun friends, like Sharon Van Etten and Todd Barry

We’ve been following the saga of Jason Narducy’s elbows for years now. The man (and his succulent armbends) gets around: He currently plays bass for Superchunk and Bob Mould, but he takes center stage as Split Single, which will release its second album, Metal Frames, this Friday. Narducy, as always, is concerned that his elbows get more attention than his songs—driven, classic-sounding tunes that should appeal to fans of the other bands he plays in—and this new promotional video doesn’t disprove that idea at all. It stars Narducy as himself, and features appearances by famous penis reproducer Cynthia Plaster Caster, comedian Todd Barry, and singer-songwriter Sharon Van Etten. Check it out below, and check out Metal Frames, too. Next week, we’ll have another exclusive episode of the series, including appearances by Jeff Tweedy and Michael Shannon.

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