Staind frontman stops show to yell at audience for molesting teen girl

As if you needed another reason to like Staind, the nü-metal torchbearers are making national headlines after frontman Aaron Lewis stopped a recent concert to upbraid fans for inappropriately handling an adolescent concertgoer. According to a local NBC affiliate, Lewis interrupted his own performance to chastise fans at Kansas City Rockfest he saw groping a young woman who was crowd surfing. Here’s the full transcript of the singer’s call to action:

“Alright, listen up you fucking assholes. That fucking girl right there is like 15 fucking years old and you fucking pieces of shit are molesting her while she’s on the fucking crowd. Your fucking mothers should be ashamed of themselves, you pieces of shit. If I fucking see that shit again, I swear to God I will point you out in the crowd and have everyone around you beat your fucking ass.”

“It shows a lot of character,” said Allen Roach, a local music blogger who attended the concert. “We’re starting to see these things as being frowned upon.”

Let’s hope Lewis’ words (except for maybe the inciting violence bits) ring out across  the summer festival circuit, from WakeStocks hosting P.O.D., to Rib Fests and Country Fairs headlined by Sevendust and Papa Roach.

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