Stalking Conan O'Brien

If you haven't gotten your fill of crazy stalkers and their unlikely celebrity prey, today comes the news that Rev. David Ajemian, a Boston priest, has been accused of stalking Conan O'Brien by writing him threatening letters on parish letterhead, calling his parents, and attempting to enter studio tapings of his show, for which he was arrested last week. Ajemian seems to be intent on "saving" O'Brien—or at least guesting on his show—with one typical letter saying, "I want a public confession before I ever consider giving you absolution–or a spot on your couch," and he has even adopted O'Brien's knack for self-aware humor, referring to himself as "your priest stalker" in a note that also read, "Is this the way you treat your most dangerous fans?" Truly, the Lord works in mysterious ways.

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