Stalking GUTS paints a depressing picture of life on the other side of the Aggro Crag 

Take it from the editorial staff of The A.V. Club: Just because someone on the Internet shares a name with a former Nickelodeon personality doesn’t mean that person is said former Nickelodeon personality. But unlike the Clarissa Explains It All fans who’ve made the life of our own Sean O’Neal a hell of allusions to ladders and Pearl Jam tickets (and the smaller number of people who’ve pitched the other Sean O’Neal James Franco jokes or asked him about The Big Red No), the proprietors of the Tumblr Stalking GUTS appear to have done their due diligence. At the very least they’ve combed through the Nickelodeon GUTS archives to match first names and basic facial geometry, while probably doing some basic arithmetic to that determine that, yes, the adult previously known as Marc “The Spark” still reflects that nickname with his sartorial choices and recreational habits. The Facebook photos gathered by Stalking GUTS imply that scaling the Aggro Crag in your youth doesn’t translate into further metaphorical victories as an adult, but hey—at least the “Ragin’ Cajun” traded in that mushroom cut for a slightly less embarrassing ’do. [h/t Warming Glow]

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