Star Trek to boldly go on a live orchestra tour

Starfleet officers have long sung the praises of a good sonic shower, and now fans of the series can immerse themselves in sonic vibrations of another kind, thanks to the Star Trek concert series. The events will feature screenings of either J.J. Abram’s Star Trek or Star Trek Into Darkness accompanied by a live orchestra performing Michael Giacchino’s score. Similar events have proved immensely popular for the Lord Of The Rings franchise.

The series kicks off in Europe on May 24 with stops in Switzerland and the UK. The U.S. premiere will take place in Houston on July 18, then head to San Diego for Comic-Con on July 26, where the San Diego Symphony will perform at the Embarcadero Marina Park South. Philadelphia and Toronto are the final stops on the six-city tour. In addition to hearing the score performed live, the event allows fans to see the films alongside an audience of fellow Trekkies. It may not be Klingon Opera, but it’s probably the next best thing. [via Variety]

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