Star Wars headed to Blu-ray and possibly 3D, where you will pony up for it all over again

We forget—do you guys even like Star Wars anymore? Well, no matter. Even if you’re in the fervently anti-prequel or “it always sucked” camps, chances are there are enough of you who still harbor affection for at least the original trilogy that this news will be of interest—particularly to those who can afford the latest in home entertainment technology. Speaking at this weekend’s Chicago Comics and Entertainment Expo (C2E2), Lucasfilm Director of Fan Relations Steve Sansweet—whose job description sounds terrible, doesn't it?—confirmed that a “very full set of all six movies with lots of extra material” will make its way to Blu-ray in the not-too-distant future. There’s no word yet on whether the original trilogy will be included in “Non-Fucked With, Just As You Remember It” or “George Lucas Went Too Far, Rabble Rabble!” versions, but Sansweet did say, “We're finding all kinds of scenes from dailies that have never been seen before,” the inclusion of which should hopefully justify making fans buy these films yet again. During the same talk, Sansweet also addressed the rumors that Lucas was looking to bring all six Star Wars movies back to theaters in 3D, saying that the director was intent on finding the right technology and the time to do it properly, but that he did remain interested in exploring it for release, again, in the “not-too-distant future.” (Obvious joke alert: After all, it's not easy finding technology that can make Hayden Christensen seem two-dimensional, let alone three! Thanks, I'll be here all week!)

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