Step aside, Mayor Pete: "The Bloomberg Dance" is here and definitely real and not a joke

Step aside, Mayor Pete: "The Bloomberg Dance" is here and definitely real and not a joke
Photo: Roy Rochlin

Now that we live in a post-Mayor Pete Dance world, the barrier between reality and fantasy has never been more porous. Into this moment comes “The Bloomberg Dance,” a maniacal celebration of the horrifyingly wealthy businessman and presidential hopeful tweeted out by Bloomberg campaign “social media coordinator” Brad Evans and “communications intern” Nick Ciarelli (who we should mention have never, ever been involved with making jokes on the internet in the past, including at our sister site, Clickhole).

The clip, which was “taken at the Mike Bloomberg rally in Beverly Hills,” shows a group of enthusiastic husks performing an exceptionally choreographed routine that includes clapping, giving a thumbs up, and marching in place to the sound of Maroon 5's “Moves Like Jagger.” Scroll through just a few of the responses to Ciarelli’s and Evans’ tweets and it’s immediately clear that nobody can tell what’s real anymore, even in light of the video repeatedly interrupting Adam Levine’s chorus with a robotic voice stating Bloomberg’s name. Combined with the other mayoral travesty of Pete’s dancing supporters, Bloomberg’s bid has, it seems, broken us all.

For his part, Ciarelli has been responding to questions from anyone curious to know more about this exciting rally—questions like how the event was financed or whether the remixed Maroon 5 track will ever be made available for Bloomberg’s ravenous supporters to enjoy on their own time.

Even when they don’t have a question to ask, Ciarelli has also been quick to respond to the haters trying to rain on the parade of poor communications interns like him, just trying to work hard toward the noble goal of electing the president America needs in 2020.

There are shades of Conner O’Malley’s similarly legitimate support of Howard Schultz (another great candidate) in all of this, but with the intensity lowered a little to really highlight what kind of dumb shit people, living in a world of dumb shit, are willing to believe right now. If you’re eager to scoff at anyone who’s fallen for the joke, please note that it’s already convinced none other than Sebastian Gorka. As we know, that guy can never be fooled.

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