Stephen Colbert’s career advice to President Obama includes whittling

Stephen Colbert’s career advice to President Obama includes whittling

Even with November’s election looming, it doesn’t look like President Barack Obama is ready for retirement. The two-term Commander In Chief recently had a stint as the guest editor of Wired, an opportunity he used to share his love of well-loved sci-fi staples. And while he may not actually go into publishing, he appears to be embarking on a post-White House job hunt. The President got a little help from someone who knows a thing or two about moving on from a high note, when Stephen Colbert offered him some career counseling on The Late Show.

As you can see, it can be difficult to sum up eight years of leading a nation for a résumé that will be scanned by a recruiting site for job-hunting buzzwords like “detail-oriented” and “dynamic.” It’s how “saving the auto industry” becomes “drives stick,” or how opening a dialogue with Cuba gets reworded as “conversational Spanish.” (The lifting of the embargo on cigars and rum probably falls under “sales experience.”) Colbert’s office-manager persona seems to think the President needs hobbies to be more marketable, so it’s just too bad the head of state doesn’t whittle.

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