Stephen Colbert schools Neil deGrasse Tyson on Pluto facts

Stephen Colbert schools Neil deGrasse Tyson on Pluto facts

Though his Late Show still won’t start until September, Stephen Colbert has recently started doing whatever he can to make sure we don’t forget about him before then. He shaved his beard, he made fun of Donald Trump, he honored Toby Keith, and he interviewed some guy named Marshall Mathers for a public access show in Michigan. Yesterday, in honor of NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft reaching Pluto—the solar system’s honorary little brother—Colbert sat down with noted Pluto hater (and beloved astrophysicist) Neil deGrasse Tyson to try and convince him that Pluto is cooler than he thinks. Tyson, after all, is one of the scientists who pushed for Pluto to be re-classified as a dwarf planet in 2006.

Unfortunately, Neil deGrasse Tyson is a stubborn, angry man, and it doesn’t seem like Colbert’s best efforts—or even Klondike Bars—were enough to convince him to change his mind. At one point, Colbert even points out that Pluto is a little bigger than scientists expected, which Tyson claims isn’t true, prompting Colbert to bring out his phone and prove him wrong. All in all, the pair had a fun discussion, and it once again proves that Colbert’s interviews will still be just as delightful as they were when he was “Stephen Colbert” on his old show.

Colbert’s Late Show will premiere on September 8 on CBS.

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