Steve Martin is finally ready to teach you how to be a comedy genius, too

Steve Martin is finally ready to teach you how to be a comedy genius, too

Following in the footsteps of Werner Herzog, Shonda Rhimes, Deadmaus, and a dozen more celebrities who’ve stepped into the online teaching world, Steve Martin has just announced his own MasterClass in the art of comedy. MasterClass announced the Steve Martin program with the site’s usual promo video, albeit one that has Martin being his very funny self instead of Herzog giving you a death stare and thinking dark thoughts about nature’s cruel heart.

The Martin course offers up 25 online lessons—covering everything from writing and delivery to the critical editing process—and will run you $90. Per the company’s ad copy, that’ll get prospective students a chance to “gain access to the mind of a comedy genius and learn how to find their voice, gather material, develop an act, and take their writing to the next level.”

Meanwhile, Martin’s previous master class in the art of comedy—the 1994 SNL sketch “Steve Martin’s Penis Beauty Cream”—is available for free right here:

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