Steve-O sent himself to the ER with a stunt deemed too dumb even for Jackass

The Jackass 4 star bought a T-shirt cannon, he grabbed some dog poop, and then reality ensued

Steve-O sent himself to the ER with a stunt deemed too dumb even for Jackass
Steve-O Photo: Gerardo Mora

We, as a culture, are probably indebted to some degree to the members of the Jackass crew, who have spent large swathes of their lives destroying their bodies, and also possibly their souls, in order to serve up a long series of cautionary tales (albeit, ones cautioning us against doing things that most people, under non-extreme circumstances, would never do). That debt has now gotten a little heavier this week, after series mainstay Steve-O reported on how he sent himself to the emergency room after performing a stunt so disastrously dumb and self-destructive that not even the crew of Jackass 4 would film it.

This is per a video posted to Steve-O’s YouTube channel yesterday, in which he details an idea he originally had for the film, which is set to arrive in theaters on October 22. Obviously, any story from a member of the Jackass crew that begins with “I bought a T-shirt cannon” is likely to be heading in dark directions, but even Jackass 4 director Jeff Tremaine apparently balked at Steve-O’s plan: Loading the cannon with dog shit and firing it into his own face. (It apparently wasn’t “clever” enough, which, fair.)

But good ideas never die, and so when Steve-O was approached by online personalities The Nelk Boys for a collaboration, his mind drifted once again shit-cannon-ward. You can watch the process of assembling the stunt yourself—including the moment when Steve-O realizes the dog excrement is just too dang dry, and so blends it into a sort of, for lack of a better word, “smoothie” in a blender. And then: The shot.

Here’s a fun fact: The human ear is not designed, to the best of our knowledge, to have dog shit fired into it at high velocity. Per Uproxx, Steve-O realized pretty quickly that something was wrong after the prank, noting that, ““My ear canal is filled with dog sh*t and it came with such force that I’ve done serious damage to the middle of my ear. So I rush into the shower to try to flush it out, but I’m like, ‘I’m not OK, I need medical attention.’”

All’s apparently well that ends well—at least in the sense that Steve-O didn’t actually rupture his eardrum, although, as the doctor at the ER noted, his ear canal was “angry.” Remember: Don’t do this at home. Don’t do anything at home. Don’t fire shit at your face!

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