Steven Mnuchin and Louise Linton briefly deign to touch paper money

Steven Mnuchin and Louise Linton briefly deign to touch paper money

When former Goldman Sachs executive and We Bought A Zoo producer Steven Mnuchin was confirmed as Secretary Of The Treasury, some Americans were rightfully concerned that a mid-2000s Wall Street villain would be taking the reins of the nation’s largest financial institution. But now, thanks to a quick photo op yesterday at the Bureau Of Engraving And Printing with his wife Louise Linton, citizens can take comfort in knowing he’s much more like a mid-1960s Batman villain than anything else.

The couple, who were recently under scrutiny for attempting to charter a government jet to take them around Europe on their honeymoon, paid a visit to the Bureau to witness the production of some new $1 bills, a denomination they likely didn’t know existed and no doubt got a good laugh out of. But luckily, before the ceremonial visit came to an end, some genius PR person presumably piped up and said, “You know what? I don’t think these optics are bad enough. Can we make it look like you guys are holding the world hostage or you’re planning to use that money as a bed sheet?”

Some took particular aim at Louise Linton, who has a penchant for tagging her Instagram photos with all the high-end designer brands she’s sporting and seems to take delight in playing the out-of-touch, money-grubbing villain. Here, she’s at least dressed the part.

We imagine it will only be a few weeks before we get a nice shot of Mnuchin diving head first, Scrooge McDuck-style into a room filled with gold coins in Fort Knox.

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