Steven Spielberg says he’ll “probably” do a fifth Indiana Jones movie with Harrison Ford

Today in comments that had the cadence of a joke but came across a little more threatening than intended, Steven Spielberg says he’ll “probably” do a fifth Indiana Jones movie with Harrison Ford. This terrifying information—well, terrifying for people who saw Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull—comes from an interview Spielberg gave to Yahoo Movies, and though he’s not actually confirming the existence of another Indiana Jones sequel, he does seem to think it’s inevitable. Granted, we already knew it was inevitable, but Spielberg is the guy who actually makes these movies, so his thoughts carry some more weight.

The prompting for this harrowing prediction is the realization from Spielberg that, with Bridge Of Spies, he’s made four films starring Tom Hanks. Counting all of the Indiana Jones movies (even the bad one and the moderately bad one), that’s the same number he’s made with Harrison Ford. Spielberg says he’ll “probably do an Indy 5 with Harrison” eventually, which means he’ll have to keep it equal and do another movie with Tom Hanks after that and “leapfrog that way” for the rest of his career. Of course, even Spielberg recognizes that he can’t put Hanks or Ford in every movie, so he says he’ll just put “Daniel Day-Lewis in everything else.” As much as we may dread another Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull, that cycle doesn’t sound too bad to us.

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