Stock up on bird shirts with this auction of items from the New Girl set 

Here’s some good news for anyone still working on a shrine dedicated to sitcom hero Winston “Winnie The Bish” Bishop: A bunch of items from the New Girl set are currently being auctioned off, so you can now own one of Winston’s actual bird shirts, a different one of Winston’s actual bird shirts, a third bird shirt, a fourth bird shirt, a fifth bird shirt, or even—get this—a sixth bird shirt. You could even buy some Winston items that aren’t bird shirts, like Ferguson’s bed or Ferguson’s tiny piano, but those bird shirts are going to go really fast (to a pop culture news writer with more money than sense) if you don’t jump on them.

Not a Winston fan? First of all, you’re a monster. Second of all, the auction site has about 14 pages of items that aren’t specifically related to Winston, including a dozen separate pairs of glasses. You can pick up a Schmidt pair, a Nick pair, a Coach pair, a Robbie pair, a Winston pair, and 10 Jess pairs, any one of which could take you from “adorable dork” to “adorkable.”

If you’re going to spend money on an actual prop from the New Girl set, though, you might as well go all in and get an iconic piece of New Girl history. For example, you can’t get the actual Douchebag Jar (it’s hopefully on its way to the Smithsonian), but you can get the sticky note that says “Douchebag Jar” on it. You can also get the engagement ring letter that Nick sent to Jess, a sheet of paper detailing Nick’s horrible credit score, one of Jess’ weird iPhone cases, some bags of Let’s Potato Chips (TV icons in their own right), Nick’s halloween costume, that boxer print from the loft, and Nick’s “Cotton Eye Joe” mix CD case (perfect for pranks).

So New Girl is over, but at least you can keep it alive in your heart by spending a bunch of money on stuff you saw on the show.

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