Stones Throw releases benefit tee shirt to raise money for J-Dilla's mother 

Lots of folks were saddened by the revelation in a recent Vibe article that the beloved late beatmaker/cult icon J-Dilla’s mother, lovingly nicknamed “Ma Dukes” was suffering from Lupus and living in a crime-infested neighborhood after receiving not a penny from her late son’s estate, which is embroiled in tax problems, licensing woes and all sorts of other heartbreaking shit.

The good folks over at Stones Throw, which released such Dilla classics as Jaylib’s Champion Sound and Donuts, and is currently celebrating “Dilla Month”, have decided to do something about Ma Dukes’ financial difficulties by releasing a nifty benefit tee shirt to raise money for Ma Dukes. At 29 dollars the shirt isn’t exactly cheap but it would be hard to imagine a more worthy cause.

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