Stop pestering Joss Whedon to do more Buffy and start pestering him to do a Boba Fett movie

The past few months have seen various drips and drabs emerge from Entertainment Weekly’s interview with Joss Whedon: He doesn’t like the ending of Empire Strikes Back! He’s not too keen on Twilight and The Vampire Diaries either! He thinks we’re becoming “stupider and more petty,” and choking on our own nostalgia! And other things that sound far less like a curmudgeonly rant when they’re not removed from all context! But at last that context has returned, as EW has posted the “definitive” interview with Whedon those quotes all hailed from—an epic seven-page inquiry into Whedon’s life and career that may contain a lot of the same Avengers semi-reveals and pop cultural opinions that fans have already read elsewhere, but is nevertheless still worth reading in its entirety.

And if nothing else, it has this paragraph in which Whedon finally (more or less) closes the book on whether he’s ever going to make more Firefly or Buffy The Vampire Slayer—and more importantly, whether you should keep asking him about it:

I came out publicly when the Veronica Mars Kickstarter thing happened to relay that because, right now, it can’t be done. Everybody’s working—thank God. I have often said I would love to get the crew back together. There’s another side of that. There’s the Monkey’s Paw fear of even if it’s just as good, it won’t be as good, because it will be just as good, and it’s already been new, so you won’t have that. Now everybody is like, “Are you going to remake Buffy? Are you going to Kickstarter?” My blanket answer is “No.” It’s not a question I’m interested in hearing again, which is why I quit my other job—Twitter.

With that settled and Whedon no longer as active on Twitter, he’s now safe from being pestered about those projects, so long as he doesn’t give any more interviews or have to leave the house or answer his telephone.

Besides, Whedon graciously gave everyone something new to pester him about, first saying he has no plans to be involved with the new Star Wars movies, then admitting of the possibility of doing a Boba Fett movie, “I can’t say for sure, because that’s a tasty morsel. But right now my heart doesn’t go that way.” And everyone knows that, as with all of his fans’ dream projects for him, Joss Whedon’s heart only needs to be asked the right number of times before it finally unlocks and he must do its bidding. So get to pesterin’.

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