Stop the presses! Harrison Ford handed cigar

Every one in a while we get a press release or pitch that demands to be repeated verbatim. That's what Stop The Presses! is for. Here's the latest:

Hey Nathan!
So sorry if you got this twice—crazy around here right now and my computer went into complete failure mode on me—so making sure you had just in case. Such a crazy day with Farrah and now Michael. So so sad. If you are going to be covering the story and would like an entertainment expert for commentary, I have included a quote from entertainment/pr expert, Ronn Torossian below. Ronn is available for further comment as well.

In other news, if you are looking for something else, I have included the latest pic and info about Harrison Ford who is in NYC shooting his new film “Morning Glory” with Rachel McAdams. The attached photo is a bit blurry but you can see that he is holding the Gurkha Cigar given to him on set by just a few minutes ago today! Item below. Would love to have you include an item on this if you can!

What a day!

Name Withheld

“Michael Jackson will be remembered as one of the greatest performers ever, but his brand has taken a few hits over the years due to personal and legal battles.  I don’t believe his estate will financially prosper as brands, even after his untimely death, will not want to be associated with his negative reputation from his later years. Over the next few weeks, I predict his music sales will see a boom—one will definitely see his music rise in the top 10 on iTunes lists, but I doubt we will see a spike in the licensing of his brand, short term or long term ” said Ronn Torossian, CEO of 5W Public Relations, one of the nation’s 25 largest PR agencies, who has represented celebrities and corporations.

JUST SEEN ON NYC SET OF THE NEW HARRISON FORD FILM “MORNING GLORY”: girls presented Harrison Ford with the most expensive cigar in the world, Gurkha Cigars (as seen in Harrison’s right hand in the photo) in between takes with Rachel McAdams. The Indiana Jones legend looked quite smokin’ hot himself with the stogie in hand and was very grateful of’s personal delivery.

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