Study determines that Jonah Hill is the cussiest cusser in all of Hollywood

Study determines that Jonah Hill is the cussiest cusser in all of Hollywood
Photo: Andreas Rentz

Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf Of Wall Street may have failed to secure Leonardo DiCaprio his Oscar, but the film’s legacy lives on anyway for one specific reason—or, really, a few hundred specific reasons, many of which are four letters long and will get you kicked out of Zoom school if you type them in the chat. The movie famously has a lot of swear words, is what we’re saying, and it’s almost entirely because of The Wolf Of Wall Street that Jonah Hill has now topped a list of the most foul-mouth actors in Hollywood. As reported by Variety, a site called Buzz Bingo looked at more than 3,500 movie scripts and tracked which ones had the most swears and which actors said them, with The Wolf Of Wall Street coming in at number one with 715 swears. Across all of his movies, or at least the ones analyzed in this study, Jonah Hill said 376 bad words—just a hair more than his Wolf co-star DiCaprio (who has 361, nearly all of which are from that one movie).

Samuel L. Jackson, known for being a prolific swearer, somehow ended up in third place with only 6 swears more than Adan Sandler (who got a huge boost from Uncut Gems). This is a category that Jackson should be dominating, but he’s presumably been doing too many Marvel movies in the last few years to really let his “motherfuckers” fly. Maybe his next movie should be a remake of The Wolf Of Wall Street where he plays every character?

Also, it’s worth pointing out that Buzz Bingo doesn’t say anything about consciously limiting this list to men, which presumably means that there just aren’t many women who swear enough to be ranked here. Apparently Hollywood is run by a bunch of overly sensitive Jimmy Fallons, but we think movies should let Samuel L. Jackson and women in general say more swear words. Enough of this man-centric swearing economy! It’s fucking 2020 for fuck’s sake!

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