Stuff we missed over the weekend

Webcasters required to pay back royalties: Via Wired News: A government board announced Friday that Internet radio broadcasters will have to pay royalties for streaming songs effective last year. By some estimates, this could mean some webcasters will end up paying out more than they make. There is time for an appeal, but it doesn't look hopeful for webcasters.

U.S. Comedy Arts Festival defies weather: Yes, they still hold it in Aspen in early March, but it can still work out. Variety reports that most events at the festival were packed. Stephen Colbert received the festival's first-ever Person of the Year Award.

Viacom wants Tom Cruise back: It's a case of high-profile schmoozing for sure, but not insignificant for the film industry: Since leaving Viacom's Paramount, Cruise has announced a plan to resurrect United Artists. According to the Associated Press, the chairman of Viacom wants to rebuild his relationship with Cruise.

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