Sunday will be Bob Schieffer’s final broadcast with CBS News

After more than 40 years with the organization, Sunday will mark the final CBS News broadcast by retiring host and correspondent Bob Schieffer. Schieffer will finish out his tenure with a final episode of Face The Nation, which the decorated newsman has hosted since 1991, winning not only multiple Emmy Awards, but also the increasingly difficult objective of finishing his career without a “Controversy” section popping up on his Wikipedia page. His final interview will be with former Flordia governor Jeb Bush, who is expected to seek the presidency in 2016.

Schieffer, who has spent the last decade of his career repeatedly attempting to retire, only to be coaxed back time and again by the credibility junkies at CBS, announced his departure back in April, adding that CBS News political director John Dickerson would serve as his replacement on Face. On Saturday, Schieffer confirmed via Twitter that Sunday’s show would be his last, saying, “I’m a lucky guy. Started reporting when I was 20 & Sunday is my last day as @FaceTheNation host. We’ll do what we always do, report the news”, proving himself not only a consummate professional, but also someone who knows how to use all 140 characters of a Tweet.

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