Superman’s blue leotard is going up for auction

Superman’s blue leotard is going up for auction

Someone’s cosplay is about to get way more authentic as the familiar blue-and-red adult onesie worn by the late Christopher Reeve in 1978’s Superman: The Movie is being sold to the highest bidder. Nate D. Sanders, a Los Angeles auction house specializing in Hollywood memorabilia, is auctioning off the instantly recognizable costume from the film; based on the official description, Lot #160 seems to include only the upper portion of the costume, as no mention is made of the famous red cape, the tights, or the boots. The auction house describes the item as a “muscle tunic” that was “used in the flight scenes” from the Richard Donner movie. It features the “large emblematic gold and red ‘S’ sewn on the front” as well as holes for accommodating the flight harness, plus snaps for attaching the cape.

The opening bid is $40,000, and the auction ends on January 26. To paraphrase the film’s tagline, you’ll believe a man can buy this costume and then put it in his rec room behind bulletproof glass.

Nate D. Sanders is also auctioning off the cool-looking but probably very uncomfortable batsuit worn by Michael Keaton in 1992’s Batman Returns. This auction ends on January 26, too, and the opening bid is a mere $35,000. What does that cover? Lot #104 includes the original cape, cowl, and bodysuit from the infamously kinky Tim Burton film, but the description warns that “the gloves, belt, insignia and shoes are replicas for the display.” On the plus side, the lot also includes “a mannequin with chiseled face of Keaton.” What the winning bidder chooses to do with that mannequin is his or her own business.

[via The Hollywood Reporter]

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