Surely you can find room in your busy schedule for a compilation of 2018's best doggos

We’re all very busy today, coming back to work/school/a messy house/whatever after all of the holiday festivities, and we’re all certainly very eager to get back into the daily grind, but we can take a few minutes to look at videos of dogs, right? We’ll all get back to work after this, or at least after a strategically timed bathroom break that elegantly leads into lunch. Anyway, watch the dogs!

This video, naturally, comes from the WeRateDogs Twitter account, the internet’s preeminent source of very good doggo and pupper content that occasionally steps right into weird controversies. There are no weird controversies here, though, as it’s just a six-minute video of some dogs doing funny or cute dog stuff.

You don’t even have to put up with very much of the goofy commentary and actual ratings that WeRateDogs’ Twitter posts are famous for if you’re not into that, as this is just several minutes of dogs falling down, dogs making weird noises, dogs getting confused by normal human stuff, and dogs not realizing that they’re bigger than they think they are. We would certainly never make this argument, because we’re afraid of people getting mad at us, but one could argue that dogs can be a little dumb, huh? Cute and friendly and brave, sure, but also… a little dumb.

[via The Daily Dot]

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