Swine flu forces Backstreet Boys to cancel appearances

Swine flu is no laughing matter, particularly once it starts sidelining our aging boy bands. Case in point: Backstreet Boys, who have been forced to cancel both an appearance on the CBS Early Show and a signing in support of the breast cancer charity Pinktober due to Brian Litrell falling ill. A press release we just received assures us that Litrell is receiving good care and that other members are taken precautions. Details, you ask? Sure:

The other 3 members, Nick Carter, Howie Dorough and AJ McLean have seen a doctor and are not showing any symptoms. As a preventive measure, the doctor has prescribed Tamiflu to the group and their touring party, who had just returned to the states from Tokyo.

The Backstreet Boys latest album, This Is Us, hits stores tomorrow. Don't forget to wash your hands.

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