Sylvester Stallone won’t be avenging anyone in a Jim Mickle’s movie after all

Sylvester Stallone moves in mysterious ways. His ways are not our ways, and it is best for us to not strain our psyches endeavoring to understand his actions. Some days he decides to make a fun action film like The Expendables 2, and other days he decides to make The Expendables 1 and 3. In one breath, he attaches himself to a small crime drama with enormous potential, and with the next he consigns it to the turnaround void by rescinding his favor.

Deadline is reporting that the 70-year-old star has unexpectedly stepped away from the lead role in Godforsaken, leading STX Entertainment to pull the handbrake on pre-production for Jim Mickle’s film just two weeks before shooting was to commence. Working from a script by screenwriter Daniel Casey, Stallone was to play a regretful ex-con who feels obliged to avenge the death of a son he barely knew. No explanation for his departure is currently available—at least, no explanation that we could comprehend with our feeble non-Stallonean intellects.

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