T-Pain and Rivers Cuomo make fans/aspiring musicians collaborative offers they can refuse 

Have you ever wanted to collaborate with top hat-and-autotune enthusiast T-Pain and increasingly irrelevant Weezer frontman Rivers Cuomo? No? Well, what if they sweetened the pot by offering you literally hundreds of dollars to help them out with new songs? T-Pain and something called Indabamusic.com are offering some quasi-lucky soul 500 dollars and a one-year platinum membership to their website to come up with the dopest remix for T-Pain's new single "Take Your Shirt Off". The song, I believe, is a Leonard Cohen cover. The winning remix will be streamed on T-Pain's Myspace page and website.

Indabamusic.com is also offering fans an opportunity to help Weezer frontman Rivers Cuomo complete his song "Shushi" by producing what it calls a "better quality demo" for 208 dollars. Wouldn't it be awesome if T-Pain ended up winning the contest? If this the wave of the future? Probably not, yet we remain, as always, cautiously optimistic.

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