Take a look at Germany's Waterworld-ready "float-through" McDonald's

Finally, even the saltiest of sailors can buy the saltiest of fries

Take a look at Germany's Waterworld-ready
YouTuber Tom Scott tries to avoid getting a set of soggy buns at the river McDonald’s. Screenshot: Tom Scott

After the apocalypse comes, the only things left will be cockroaches, ersatz coral reefs made up of plastic on the bottom of the ocean, and, we have to assume, a series of scorched McDonald’s staffed by mutant survivors. One location in Germany is preparing for this inevitability a little ahead of time by offering the only “float-through” restaurant, perfect for river water fry-dipping and preparing us all for our Waterworld future.

YouTuber Tom Scott (an obvious fan of eating and drinking in unlikely vehicles) decided to check out the place for himself by paddling on down a stretch of the Elbe in Hamburg and documenting the experience.

He floats over to a dock that reads, of course, “McBoat” and then places an order on his phone. From there, it’s pretty much just McDonald’s as usual, except that he’s bobbing around on the water as he waits for his order to be brought out by a worker.

The manager says that the location’s open “24/7" in summer and spring and that it’s probably popular because of social media. When he explains how it all works, it doesn’t seem all that complicated, which gives us hope that a McDonald’s capable of nailing the logistics of a drive through for boaters may one day get to the bottom of the seemingly impossible mystery that is predictably serving ice cream.

We’re glad that the Hamburg location has decided to create this “float-through,” novelty or not. When we spend all our waking hours peeing into filtration devices for drinking water and dodging the pirates attacking our dirt-based trade routes, it’ll be nice to still have places to pick up a burger and fries.

[via Mashable]

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