Taylor Swift is really excited for Avengers: Endgame, unless she's just announcing new music

Taylor Swift is really excited for Avengers: Endgame, unless she's just announcing new music
Photo: Rich Fury

Recently, a mysterious countdown clock appeared on Taylor Swift’s website, ticking down the seconds until midnight on Friday, April 26. Swift’s Instagram page was also updated with a close-up of some heart-shaped jewelry and “4.26,” confirming when that countdown clock will run out for anyone who doesn’t want to do the math. That’s the only concrete information we have, but the implication is clear: Taylor Swift, a musical artist who hasn’t released an album in a few years, is… really excited to see Avengers: Endgame on opening night. And how could she not be? Captain Marvel has joined the team, she’s going off to space with Cap, Rocket, Thor, and the rest of the survivors to kick Thanos’ purple behind, and they’re probably going to find a way to bring all of their dead friends back along the way.

Also, if anyone deserves to be excited for Engame, it’s Taylor Swift. After all, she put out a song called “Endgame” long before Doctor Strange dropped his “we’re in the endgame now” line in Infinity War . Was she teasing this movie way back when Reputation came out? Does Taylor Swift exist in the MCU? Is she the key to reversing Thanos’ snap? We’ll now when this countdown clock ends on April 26.

That all being said, it is possible that she’s just teasing new music, and the countdown’s connection to the release date of Endgame (as well as Swift’s own history with the name “Endgame”) is just a coincidence, but since when is the most likely solution actually the correct one?

[via Slate]

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