Taylor Swift’s former bodyguard testifies that he saw DJ grope her

The civil trial against David Mueller continues—the former radio DJ is currently defending himself against allegations from Taylor Swift that he sexually assaulted her during a 2013 meet-and-greet set up by his former employer, KYGO-FM. It was Mueller who headed to litigation first, though, filing suit against the pop star for what he claimed was his wrongful firing. Swift responded with a countersuit, in which she says he groped her while they were taking photos with fans. The platinum-selling 1989 artist took the stand yesterday, and showed real grace under fire even as Mueller’s lawyer tried to suggest that the fact that she wasn’t caught on camera smacking the accused pervert upside the head meant that nothing untoward had transpired.

After witnessing some of the most withering testimony ever given, today the jury heard from Swift’s former bodyguard, Greg Dent. According to the Associated Press, Dent testified that he had seen Mueller grope his former employer. Dent said he was standing a few steps away from Mueller and Swift when the alleged assault occurred, but didn’t act because “didn’t sense danger after he touched her.” The former security guard said he watched for Swift’s reaction, but she gave no “cues” in the immediate aftermath to suggest that Dent should do something, like his job. Eventually, though, Swift did complain, and Dent tracked down Mueller at the event.

It’s now the fourth day of the civil trial, which also saw character witness, Ryan Kliesch, testify on behalf of his former co-worker Mueller.

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