Teachers perform surprise rendition of Les Miserables’ “One Day More”

Teachers perform surprise rendition of Les Miserables’ “One Day More”

Fall means back to school time not only for students but also for their overworked, underpaid teachers. And who understands exhausted frustration better than a bunch of French revolutionaries? At least that seems to have been the thought process behind this delightful flashmob-style performance of “One Day More” from Les Misérables at a school district staff meeting in West Des Moines, Iowa.

The teachers had been voluntarily rehearsing during June and July for the performance that took place, appropriately, one day before the start of classes. All that preparation definitely shows. The school-themed lyrics are just the right amount of cheesy, the vocals are surprisingly solid, and everyone really commits to their performances. If it’s a little frustrating that they don’t incorporate the iconic marching choreography usually used in the song, they more than make up for it with their pitch-perfect flag work.

[via Huffington Post]

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