Teaser for season 3 of Nathan For You questions our hero’s sanity

Nathan Fielder has been through a lot for his Comedy Central series Nathan For You. He made some friends, he lost some friends, he got yelled at by a private investigator, he played a few rounds of The Librarian’s Quest, he sold some dumb coffee, and a robotic claw almost pulled down his pants in front of a group of children. This teaser for the show’s upcoming third season, though, hints that there’s a real darkness hiding beneath Fielder’s desire for companionship. “Is this insanity?” Fielder asks in the first few seconds, and the rest of the trailer is made up of quick shots of the host breaking a plate, aiming a shotgun, entering a bar while dressed like The Terminator, and having some kind of prosthetic makeup applied. Over this, a woman’s voice explains that Fielder is “not rooted in reality.” Honestly, whatever they want to call the journey Nathan For You has taken Fielder on, we just want to see more of it.

Nathan For You will premiere on Comedy Central on October 15.

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