Television guitarist Richard Lloyd issues open call for "heavy metal bandmates"

Since the (second) disbanding of Television, guitarist Richard Lloyd has kept himself busy by helping to reboot Rocket From The Tombs, giving private guitar lessons, and giving some of the most hilariously cocky interviews ever. Now it seems he’s graduated fully into a “conceptual” phase, having just issued a call for “heavy metal band mates” to join him in making an album, and presumably follow it up with live shows. Says Lloyd in an e-mail:

I am looking for some heavy metal band members to form a band and record a record at my studio — one or two guitars, bass, drums and vocalist. Must be willing to wear makeup and act outlandishly. Concept and songs are already partially written. If you are in the New York area, and this applies — send me a private message.

Richard Lloyd
[email protected]

Lloyd is no stranger to flirting with different genres—having long-ago established himself as a post-punk legend with Television’s Marquee Moon, then dabbling in power-pop with Matthew Sweet, and more recently working up a tribute to oft-cited inspiration Jimi Hendrix—but this will be his first attempt at a genuine "heavy metal" record. And judging by the “must be willing to wear makeup and act outlandishly,” he’s got some sort of KISS-like project in mind. Definitely one of the weirder announcements we’ve received in a while.

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