Tell the Cousin Greg in your life that if you miss Succession you will personally destroy him

Tell the Cousin Greg in your life that if you miss Succession you will personally destroy him

Gayle Rankin Photo: Ali Goldstein

Here’s what’s happening in the world of television for Sunday, August 11. All times are Eastern.

Top picks

Succession (HBO, 9 p.m, season two premiere): Play that Nicholas Britell score a little bit louder and get ready for some really creative profanity, for Succession has returned.

We’re going to watch it live, because we don’t really trust Cousin Greg to set our DVRs correctly and if we miss it we’re just going to absolutely lose our already fucking lost shit on that Gumby-looking motherfucker, okay? Randall Colburn will recap.

GLOW (Netflix, ongoing, third-season finale): If you haven’t yet reached “Outward Bound,” episode six of GLOW’s third season, stop reading now and skim down to our wild card section. We repeat: Stop reading and skip down if you haven’t seen episode six of GLOW’s third season.

If you’re still here, you’ve seen the big development for Sheila (Gayle Rankin) in that episode, which involves dehydration, an apparition, a desert nap, and a campfire. We spoke with Rankin about her big skin-shedding moment and the pleasure of getting to work with her own hair.

The A.V. Club: What was it like to shoot Sheila’s big moment at that campfire in “Outward Bound”?

Gayle Rankin: Right up until that point, I felt quite excited about the opportunity to transform. Then when we were actually shooting, I was actually quite afraid. I put on the costume for the last time, we did the makeup and the wig for the last time, and I thought, ‘Oh wow, this is real, we’re burning this.’ It’s rare in life that you make a decision that’s irrevocable, you know? It felt scary, and sad, but also so great.

AVC: How long had you known this was in the cards for Sheila? Did you know what was happening before you got that script?

GR: I mean, I think we always knew it was going to happen at some point. I think everyone assumed [that]—but I don’t know, we’ll see! But the showrunners, who are incredible, talked to me beforehand, so I wasn’t jarred or anything. It was probably a month or so before we started.

AVC: What was it like to shoot in the desert?

GR: It was extreme. We were very exposed to the elements, which is something unusual for us… There were just a lot of balls in the air to juggle, both physically and emotionally. I think that helped with the gravitas of it all. We were just very exposed.

AVC: Sort of a silly question, but which was more exciting for you: The acting challenge, or the fact that you were going to get to work without that wig on your head?

GR: It all kinda comes from the acting stuff. Her new path. The look was very exciting, and the opportunity to look different—to have different clothes in my trailer every day was a thrill. But I think it was the challenge of exploring and sort of rebuilding a new person.

AVC: Where does this moment propel her?

GR: She’s faced the scariest part of herself. I mean, I don’t know if Sheila knows what’s going to be underneath. I certainly didn’t. I don’t know if anyone does, until you make a leap, and when you make a huge decision like that, I’m not sure we ever know what it’s going to look like or feel like. She has to reckon with that. It leads her toward the true, scary unknown. And that was true for both me as an actor, and for Sheila.

Regular coverage

Preacher (AMC, 10:07 p.m.)

Wild card

Last Week Tonight With John Oliver (HBO, 11:05 p.m.): Last Week Tonight is almost always good. After weeks like that last one, however, it becomes essential viewing.

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