Tell your uncle that Joe Biden wasn’t green-screened into that video

Tell your uncle that Joe Biden wasn’t green-screened into that video
Use this post, or even just this photo, as evidence. Photo: Drew Angerer

Joe Biden is the very real, very alive, very not-that-last-guy president of the United States. Sadly, an unfortunately large number of Americans somehow still do not believe any of that to be the case, as evidenced earlier this week when The Hill tweeted a 53-second-long clip of President Biden speaking with reporters on the White House’s South Lawn before boarding Marine One. During the course of the brief exchange, Biden can be seen walking towards the press gaggle before pausing in front of large, extended boom mics to answer a couple questions, at which point his hand gestures appear to strangely overlap the mics (macabrely referred to in the trade as “dead cats”) in a way that suggests some kind of shoddy CGI or green screen work.

It looks pretty weird at first glance, and might prove suspicious if nobody is around to a) prove themselves a firsthand witness to the event, indicating it wasn’t a hoax and/or b) post a video explainer debunking any potential conspiracy theories fomenting around the Internet.

Huh. Well that’s an interesting little optical illusion, isn’t it? Pretty cool once it’s explained away easily, actually. Glad we nipped that one in the bud and can focus on more important things, like the fact that Biden stated on record he has no immediate plans to visit the provable humanitarian crisis occurring along the U.S.-Mexico border—a stain on American history made darker and deeper by that last guy who was president, and which probably deserves much more attention than confusing, trivial, low-res video clips on Twitter.

Oh goddamnit. Say what you will about QAnon cultists, but they are nothing if not persistent. Delusional, too, but still very much persistent. For a quasi-religious nationalist movement based more on Bioshock: Infinite than anything within reality, we suspect footage like The Hill’s is premium, Grade A red meat, which is why it’s so immensely depressing to know deep within our souls that this “dead cat” video won’t go anywhere anytime soon, since it vaguely confirms their increasingly untenable (right? Right?) worldview.

In any case, please, by all means, preemptively forward this along to any of your uncles/aunts/in-laws before they send you their recent find via Facebook Messenger. To save time, you can even point to the image we used in the header—you know, the separate photo taken from a completely different angle at the exact same moment shown in the video.

[via Mashable]

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