Tenet will release in theaters overseas before premiering in the U.S.

Tenet will release in theaters overseas before premiering in the U.S.
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THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, AMERICA. Tenet would’ve been the blockbuster of the summer, but Christopher Nolan’s highly-anticipated espionage thriller has been repeatedly delayed due to the ongoing (and, in America, still fucking growing) pandemic. But some countries have managed to flatten the curve thanks to smart leadership and government officials who actually pay attention to, you know, science. And those countries will now be rewarded with a theatrical release for Tenet, per a new report from Variety. Warner Bros. is planning an international release for the blockbuster film, which will hit theaters in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Russia and the United Kingdom on August 26, followed by a limited release in select North American cities on September 3. A theatrical release plan for China has yet to be determined.

The lesson here is simple: Do the right thing and you get to see fun new movies in an actual movie theater. Do the bad and wrong things—AHEM, AMERICA—and you don’t get to see the fun new movies in actual movie theaters. Okay, sure, it’s not that simple. Australia is still grappling with coronavirus cases, for instance, and America’s problematic response to the pandemic has made it more clear than ever that we live in a capitalist death cult—but hey, maybe if enough people are butt-hurt about Tenet opening in other countries, someone will get something done.

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