Terminator 3 director to breathe life into Sub-Mariner

Per a Hollywood Reporter item, it looks like Jonathan Mostow, the man behind the surprisingly un-terrible Terminator 3 will be directing a film based on Marvel Comics' Sub-Mariner, that well-muscled, short-tempered, undersea prince whose adventures find him repeatedly saving the world in spite of his mixed attitudes towards humanity.

No word yet on who the front-runners for the part might be, but here's a rough description of the plot:

The movie's take will see a young man discovering he actually is a prince from Atlantis, with him turning out to be the key man in a brewing war between the underwater world and the modern surface world.

Marvel fans will, of course, note some tie-in possibilities shaping up. Sub-Mariner frequently battles/teams up with The Fantastic Four and enjoys an ongoing flirtation with Invisible Girl, er, Woman Sue Richards. He's also a member of the reluctant supergroup The Defenders, whose ranks also include Dr. Strange, The Hulk (who already has a movie out and another in the works) and The Silver Surfer (who's slated to appear in the next Fantastic Four film.

It's also sort of a case of art imitating life. In the fictional world of Entourage, James Cameron directed a film based on Aquaman. Now in the real world, Cameron's lesser-known fill-in will be directing a film of Aquaman's lesser-known–albeit older–Aquaman analog character. It kind of makes you think. But not really.

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