Terrence Malick's Tree Of Life removed from eligibility for Best Of The Decade lists

As has been typical of projects by reclusive writer/director Terrence Malick, the film Tree Of Life has been shrouded in mystery. It's known that Tree Of Life stars Brad Pitt and Sean Penn, and it's been rumored that the movie is a decade-spanning story about a Midwestern boy searching for meaning in the mid-20th century. Oh, and it might have dinosaurs. (Or, alternately, the dinosaur footage that Malick's reportedly been testing may be intended for a companion IMAX film about the origins of the universe.) Up until this morning it was also widely believed that Tree Of Life would be a 2009 film, even though it has no official release date, no trailer, and no one outside of the Malick camp has seen any footage. Then indieWIRE's Anne Thompson spoke with Bob Berney, the head man at Apparition, the company behind Tree Of Life, and Berney said, "It's definitely not going to come out this year." And so we continue to wait….

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