Text into the Groot and the Groot texts back

Readers with children and without unlimited text messaging are advised to block the number (866) 740-4531 on their offspring’s devices immediately, lest they be hit with a phone bill of approximately seven billion units. That’s because that number leads to the Groot chatbot, the handheld equivalent of the Groot button created by developer Ricky Robinett. Robinett tweeted Monday that he was developing “a new SMS chatbot with some pretty amazing AI,” which is a sarcastic joke for reasons that really shouldn’t have to be explained at this point. Since the Groot-bot launched Monday night, Robinett estimates that it has sent over 72,000 text messages (up from 30,000 yesterday afternoon), meaning that there are a lot of Guardians Of The Galaxy fans out there who are drunk, lonely, easily amused, giving out fake numbers to creeps at bars, or some combination thereof.

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