Thanks to the internet, Mike Pence is one of Planned Parenthood’s biggest donors

Thanks to the internet, Mike Pence is one of Planned Parenthood’s biggest donors

When Donald Trump assumes the presidency in January, he brings with him Indiana governor Mike Pence, a dyed-in-the-wool conservative whose record on reproductive rights—not to mention his support for so-called “conversion therapy”—has a lot of people legitimately spooked. But, as reported by New York, some of those concerned citizens have found an elegant coping strategy: They’re donating to Planned Parenthood in Mike Pence’s name.

Since the election, Planned Parenthood has received over 72,000 donations on Pence’s behalf. That accounts for a whopping 28 percent of total contributions. Though Pence is a sworn and outspoken enemy of Planned Parenthood, he has now become the organization’s major benefactor. There’s sweet, sweet irony in the fact that Pence will be receiving thank-you notes from Planned Parenthood for all his support.

For those who wish to follow this example, donations to Planned Parenthood can be made right here.

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