That music PR guy who set up the Trump-Russia meeting is actually just your drunk uncle

Rob Goldstone is one of the more interesting figures in the rapidly unfolding scandal of Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer who promised dirt on Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. Goldstone is reportedly the man who set up the meeting between then-candidate Donald Trump’s son and the Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer. When the news came out yesterday, so did a flood of articles detailing just who this Goldstone character was. You probably read or osmotically absorbed some of them, but, in short, he is a music PR guy who worked on the Miss Universe pageant with the Trumps back in 2013. You know who else read that shit? Rob Goldstone, whose social networks are all public, and which detail that he is just a merry drunk uncle sauntering from vacation spot to vacation spot.

Shit yeah, nothing better than getting away from the ol’ office! Goldstone has a total of six tweets, all issued between two glorious weeks in 2013, and 85 percent of which consist of selfies like this one:

Two of his other posts involve wearing funny hats, a trend he continues on Facebook, because hats are funny. Best of all are the series of videos being reposted on Twitter by Hub Project press secretary Tim Hogan, all of which paint an intriguing portrait of the man who felled the Trump dynasty, maybe. Here he is dancing on a boat and singing some truly unhinged shit about “Hansy Pansy”:

Now he’s got himself into a real pickle involving a face mask:

And finally, on a more serious note, he talks about an issue close to his heart:

Anyway, this is the guy who Donald Trump Jr. trusted to deliver dirt on Hillary Clinton, and definitely a person who you will see testify before a Senate subcommittee before the end of 2017. Please remember that Hansy Pansy dance when that occurs.

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