That online Firefly game will have a bunch of bonus cast content

Fans of Joss Whedon’s Firefly—famous for being the most passionate fans of doodles in the world—seem to be getting one step closer to that online role-playing game they were promised last year. And while this year’s San Diego Comic Con delivered the first gameplay trailer, now New York Comic Con has upped the ante by revealing a ton of its special features.

io9 reports that the NYCC panel unveiled that 14 interviews with all of the original cast are currently being edited and packaged for inclusion with the game. These special interviews will be made available via The Cortex, an app that players can use to access their accounts. (No word yet on whether the app will allow fans the most-requested special feature: bypassing technology entirely to give Nathan Fillion an unending, unyielding hug.) In addition to the original cast members, interviews will also include actors making their Firefly debuts, such as Comic Con regulars Michael Dorn and Kelly Hu.

The panel teased the interviews by showing footage from one with Morena Baccarin in which she talked about her memories of first getting the gig, as well as naming her favorite episodes—which is definitely something she has never been asked before, nor will be again.

The downside? Still no firm release date for either this new app or the game itself. Nevertheless, you can register for the game, the equivalent of signing a piece of paper indicating, “Yes, I would like to play this game in the future.” But when it comes to Firefly, history suggests that fans will make their favorite universe live again, regardless of circumstances. For now, though, they’ll have to wait for beta testing to finish.

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