The A.V. Club fills two new positions: Music Editor and News Editor  

The A.V. Club is happy to announce that we’ve created and filled two new positions: Music Editor and News Editor. Filling them: two hardworking names that will already be familiar to regular readers: Steven Hyden and Sean O’Neal.

Steven Hyden, who’s long contributed to all things music-related here at The A.V. Club, and who recently finished the terrific 10-part series Whatever Happened To Alternative Nation?, will be stepping up and leading our team of music writers and expanding our scope of music reviews and features. Steven’s work has long been marked by its mix of passion and strong opinions, and we look forward to him leading by example.

Sean’s change of title to News Editor confirms what everyone who’s read The A.V. Club in the last year has already noticed: Sean has become the defining voice of The A.V. Club’s newswire. As editor, he’ll be working to make sure A.V. Club readers are more on top of the news than ever, from the important to the ridiculous.

Take a moment to congratulate them. But don’t take up too much of their time. They’re very busy.

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