The A.V. Club is celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day

The A.V. Club is celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Photo: Alex Wong

No, dear reader, you are not mistaken; The A.V. Club did just come back in full force after a rather lengthy holiday. However, if there’s an available moment to collectively pay our respects to true, definitional leadership, then we’re going to take it. With that in mind, we’re going to give our keyboards a rest and take the day to celebrate Martin Luther King and his immovable legacy.

Newswire and Great Job Internet will be slowing things all the way down today, but fear not—we’ll resume our regularly scheduled pointed commentary and trailer alerts tomorrow. For now, there is still plenty of treasured content that you can dig into on the site, like Caroline Siede’s latest observations within the world of romantic comedy, the latest Wiki Wormhole or a shiny new Staff Pick. You can also spend the time taking a look at some of Dr. King’s rousing calls to action and speeches, like this recently uncovered speech reported on by our good friends at The Root. We’ll see you tomorrow.

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