The A.V. Club is playing Hitman 3 on Twitch…in VR!

The A.V. Club is playing Hitman 3 on Twitch…in VR!
Screenshot: YouTube

Ah, murder: Truly, a game of kings. And few play it better than the Hitman franchise’s Agent 47, at least if, by “better,” you mean often doing extremely goofy coin tricks in an attempt to lure his targets into his latest Roadrunner-esque run at highly convoluted killing.

And because nothing adds even more goofiness to an already goofy game like Hitman 3 so much as doing all this contract killing while waving your hands around, sitting in your living room with a helmet strapped to your head, and trying to find just the right strangulation posture, today The A.V. Club Twitch account will be showing off Hitman 3's PlayStation-exclusive VR mode. IO Interactive made a lot of odd compromises in their efforts to make the World Of Assassination trilogy work in virtual reality, but there’s still something weirdly exciting about tossing people off balconies in VR, or electrocuting them in VR, or bonking them on the head in VR, or…Well, you get the idea. Really, the only limits are our imagination! And our impulse control. And, again, some of the technical limitations that kick in when you’re forced to run the PlayStation 4 version of the game, on account of the PS5 only begrudgingly acknowledging that the PSVR exists.

Anyway! We’ll be kicking off the mayhem at 2 p.m. Central, over at Come check it out; chaos is certain to ensue.

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