The art of the meal: Texas restaurant renames itself Trump Cafe

They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and a small Texas cafe is in pursuit of whatever mangled thing palpitates behind Donald Trump’s Bangladeshi-made ties. The Houston Chronicle reports that a small eatery in Bellville—60 miles outside Houston—has changed its name to Trump Cafe to show their support of the GOP nominee and desire to probably get sued.

“He loves America, and we hope he will be president,” co-owner Su Hawa said, stating that the historically Republican city is on board. “People like the name; they’re supporting him.”

Well, not everybody. A few incensed locals took to the cafe’s Facebook page to let off some steam. “I guess no one ever told the owner you don’t mix a service oriented business with religion or politics,” one wrote. “I think he has no idea how many he has offended by naming a restaurant after a psychotic sexual predator.”

Another commenter laments the new menu. “They’re only serving burgers and chicken fried steak now. No more Chilean sea bass, no more tiramisu, no food that’s not American food. Pity.”

A pity, indeed. The Bellville Cafe was once a hub for French-inspired cuisine and seafood, but no longer. Now, they’ll only serve dishes that bleeds ’Murica: burgers, all-day breakfast, and, we’re guessing, freedom fries. Fried chicken will come with knife and fork, no doubt. Or maybe, if the chefs are feeling ambitious, a taco bowl special for Exotic Menu Fridays.

The name stays whether Trump wins or loses, serving as yet another reminder that, no matter the outcome of the election, the Orange One’s influence will persevere. Trump TV is already on the way. Trumps ‘R’ Us can’t be far behind.

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